Sunday, 17 November 2013



               Millions of years ( talking in human chronological sense ) before God made Adam and Eve, He made beings that looked like man, but who were inferior to man in form and intelligence. These were the primal men, among them the Neanderthal group. These were the first inhabitants of planet Earth. They also populated the other planets in our solar system. In that same period God made the 'aliens from space', (category b above ), who populated realms that were outside our solar system. Those reals are not in the spherical planet shape that we are familiar with. The scientific and technological advancements of these realms preceded and far supersede ours.

               Long before this, God had made the angels, among whom He appointed seven as archangels. The first of the seven was Gabriel, while Lucifer ( later known as Satan ) was second. The archangels, together with their deputies, were given dominion over all of God's Creation during the period under discussion. Which means they governed the supernal, the supernatural and the natural realms. This period is known as the Angelic Dispensation.

               Lucifer ( or morning star ) was the ruler of the earth, while Gabriel co-ordinated the affairs of all the realms from his headquarters in Heaven. The whole of this period is what the Bible alludes to in one short sentence, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" [ Gen 1:1 ]. That Creation also included animals of various forms and sizes that are all now extinct.


               Isaiah 14:12-17 describes the fall of Lucifer. At one point while governing the earth, he turned into a tyrant [ 16-17 ], and as if that was not bad enough, he wanted to overthrow God [ 13-14 ]. Such was his conceit. At that stage he had corrupted the minds of many angels, among them deputies to the other six archangels. These six, however, were not part of his plot. God dethroned Lucifer and sentenced him and his cohort to Hell ( Tartarus ), although they were, and still are, allowed to operate outside of Hell for a period of time. That until God's purposes for mankind have been fully accomplished. The judgement of the fallen angels is in phases. The last phase will come at the end of time.

               The other archangels and their loyal deputies who had been given dominion in the other realms were recalled to Heaven. Thus God put an end to the Angelic Dispensation, which probably lasted for thousands of years in human term. By the end of his reign, Lucifer had thoroughly corrupted the natural realm - earth and the other planets in the solar system. There was so much wickedness that God had to wipe out life in all the planets with phenomenal floods. This is what we read about in Genesis 1:2. The realms of the 'aliens' were not affected by this great purge, so they continued to exist, as they do today.

                                                                       [ To be continued ]

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