Sunday, 1 December 2013



        The Bible, in Revelation 6:1-8, describes four mysterious horsemen. These are the subject of this short article. The four represent the entities or institutions that have defined and dominated human existence ever since human societies began. On the contrary, Rev. Billy Graham's 1983 book, 'Approaching Hoof beats: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse', views these entities largely as players with a futuristic significance. The four horsemen can be identified as follows

        [a]   The Rider On A White Horse
        [b]   The Rider On A Red Horse
        [c]   The Rider On A Black Horse
        [d]   The Rider On A Pale Horse


        "I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest" [ v 2 ]. Billy Graham was of the opinion that the rider on the white horse symbolized 'deception', appearing in a form similar to that of Christ, the King of kings                 [ Rev 19:11 ]. In other words, this rider connotes false religion. As much as I respect that great man of God, I wish to go a different path on the subject. The rider on a white horse indeed symbolizes the governments of human societies. '...he was given a crown...' underscores the fact that the machinery of governance in the world has divine approval [ Rm 13:1 ]. This, however, should not suggest that God chooses leaders for us. The people who constitute the nations of the world have to do that for themselves.

        The leaders we choose are represented here by the rider on the white horse. This rider is not necessarily evil - as many are wont to think - just as political leaders are not necessarily evil or corrupt. The rider only epitomizes the institution and personalities of governance, bad or good. Over human history, we have seen countless numbers of both, from Nimrod to Obama.


        Unlike the rider on a white horse, the rider on a red horse is clearly evil. "Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword" [ v 4 ]. This rider represents violence and violent conflicts in the world. He represents all the warmongers and terrorists ( of whatever faith or ideology ) of this world. This rider engineers large scale violence and destruction. When these elements gain political power or work in close alliance with political leaders, we can always expect nothing but chaos.

        The impact of this entity has been largely felt by humanity through all the wars the world has witnessed since the beginning of human associations. From Nimrod to Hitler, to the present-day warmongers.


        When our bank account is in the black, that's good news, because it means we have a good amount of money in the account. The rider on a black horse symbolizes the financial systems and institutions in the world, from their crudest forms to what they are today. "....I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand" [ v 5 ]. Like the rider on a white horse, this rider is not necessarily evil. I'm an admirer of IMF's Christine Lagarde, but we all know the headaches that the banking industry has caused the world, especially in recent years.

        The rider on a black horse has the ultimate duty of regulating finance in the world. This, God expects the rider to do with a deep sense of responsibility and compassion, considering the fact that a vast majority of humanity live in abject poverty. Forget about the multimillion-dollar colourful adverts governments pay for on CNN.


        "I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him...." [ v 8 ]. Like the rider on a red horse, this rider is obviously bad news. The rider is specifically identified as Death, working in collaboration with Hell ( or Hades ). This rider is responsible for all the plagues and natural disasters the world has ever experienced. His business is to end life, through natural and artificial means.


        I hope this very brief exposition has helped to demystify the personalities often referred to as 'The Four Horsemen'. They are neither recent nor futuristic entities in world affair. They have always been with us since the founding of human societies.  


Friday, 22 November 2013




        The non-human beings that we call aliens do not have a conscience. They know neither good nor evil. The ultimate guiding principle of their existence is purpose. Since this is the case, God does not sentence any of them to Hell after death. They have no soul, and when they die, they simply cease to exist. They are allowed to travel anywhere outside their realms, but they do not engage in any form of conflict with beings in other realms. So there can never be a war between us and them. Forget about what you see in the movies.

        There is no 'machine world' either. The aliens have the intellectual ability to build, and do possess, technologies that are light-years ahead of our 'last-frontiers' ideas. But they control whatever they build, so however sophisticated or gigantic their machines are, they are firmly within their control. Moreover, God has supervising angels assigned over these realms.


        The Last Judgement, sometimes called 'The Great White Throne Judgement' in Christian Doctrine, will only involve the Wicked. Revelation 20:15 says, "If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire". We may rephrase that by saying "( Among the Wicked ) If anyone's name was not found...." Of course, none of the Wicked will have their name in the Book of Life; checking for their name there is simply part of the divine legal process. The Wicked are the ones described in Revelation 21:8.

        Before this Judgement, the devil and his cohort will have been sentenced to the Lake of Fire
[ Rev 20:10 ]. This is the final phase of their judgement, which began ever before Adam and Eve were created.

                                                                        [ Concluded ]


Thursday, 21 November 2013




               We can better understand the principles and premises of divine judgement if we identify the categories of humanity. These are:
               [a]  The Children
               [b]  The Wicked
               [c]  The Ignorant


               The Bible says, '....God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: "The Lord knows those who are his"....' [ II Tim 2:19 ]. Jesus said that He was sent to the 'lost sheep of Israel'
[ Matt 15:24 ]. By that He meant all believers in Christ; the Israel of God [ Gal 6:16 ], those whose names have been written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world [ Rev 13:8; Acts 13:48 ].

               What all this points to is that among the whole of humanity, there is a vast group that can be called "The Children of God". They had always been known by God and God had always identified with them, even before they were born on earth. Being born with the sinful nature alienated them from God, but the moment they believe the Gospel and accept the Lord Jesus into their life, they become reconnected with God. They've always belonged to Heaven; that is their home. They came to earth and became lost in sin. Jesus came to earth to find them, and even though He has returned to Heaven, His Gospel is still seeking out the lost.

               If you are not born again, you may not know if you belong to this elite group of humanity until you surrender your life to Christ Jesus. God disciplines or judges His Children while they are on earth
[ Heb 12:6 ], so that they will not have to be judged after death. When believers in Christ die, what awaits them is not judgement, but a reward for their labour on earth. [ Matt 25:21 ].

        THE WICKED

               Psalm 19:17 proclaims, "The wicked return to the grave ( Hell or Tartarus ), all the nations that forget God". This category of humanity consists of people who are by nature evil. Even if they claim to be religious or to be serving God, God does not know them as belonging to His House. These are people whose hearts are continually filled with evil [ Gen 6:5; Ps 36:4 ]. They only do good in pretense; it is not in their nature. They can commit murder without any remorse, and if on a rare occasion they feel something close to remorse for an evil act, there is no repentance, because they are capable of doing it again.

               The Wicked only get into a romantic relationship with someone for pleasure, or for some other selfish gain. This is because they are incapable of receiving or giving love.And if they are not getting what they want out of a relationship, they will stop at nothing to break the heart of their partner. The Wicked have a peculiar penchant for hurting others - especially the innocent - with their words or deeds. They take great pleasure in the pains or misfortunes of others.

               For them, peace is an alien concept; if they cannot cause one form of choas or the other in the present, they work very hard in setting the machinery in motion to ensure it in the future. To these people, Heaven's Gates are forever shut.  


               The Ignorant are the people who have no knowledge of spiritual things whatsoever, whether these are things that have to do with the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of the devil. So when it comes to spiritual matters, they are fools, even if they happen to be academic ( even theological ) professors. God ignores the foibles of the Ignorant [ Acts 17:23 ], but punishes their sins while they are still on earth. Unlike the Wicked, the Ignorant are incapable of evil because they always listen to their conscience [ Rm 2:15 ].

               The conscience is God's voice of morality in every human being. Other beings in God's Creation don't have this peculiar gift. The Wicked have formed a habit of silencing their conscience, apparently to the point of searing it with a hot iron [ I Tim 4:2 ]. So in them, the conscience is seemingly dead. The Ignorant, on the other hand, revere their conscience like a wise old school teacher.

               God does not consider the Ignorant as part of His Family, but He loves them all the same, the way a man may love his next door neighbours, even though they are not family. God loves the Ignorant because they have a good heart, what we sometimes call a 'good conscience'. He does not hold it against these people that they do not have a personal relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus. They are fools, remember? Incapable of comprehending spiritual mysteries like the mystery of Salvation. Nonetheless, God sympathizes with their ignorance.

               When the Ignorant die, God does not send them to the Hell of torment ( Tartarus ). Rather they end up in realms similar to those of the aliens; places specially prepared by God for this group of people. These are realms in which the souls of the Ignorant continually relive the innocent pleasures of their earthly lives. Ironically, they remain enslaved to the fear of death, even though death cannot touch them anymore. They roam; they aspire; sometimes they experience peace, at other times they are overcome by some of the anxieties of their previous life, anxieties that are of no consequence now.

                                                                       [ To be continued ]


Sunday, 17 November 2013



               Millions of years ( talking in human chronological sense ) before God made Adam and Eve, He made beings that looked like man, but who were inferior to man in form and intelligence. These were the primal men, among them the Neanderthal group. These were the first inhabitants of planet Earth. They also populated the other planets in our solar system. In that same period God made the 'aliens from space', (category b above ), who populated realms that were outside our solar system. Those reals are not in the spherical planet shape that we are familiar with. The scientific and technological advancements of these realms preceded and far supersede ours.

               Long before this, God had made the angels, among whom He appointed seven as archangels. The first of the seven was Gabriel, while Lucifer ( later known as Satan ) was second. The archangels, together with their deputies, were given dominion over all of God's Creation during the period under discussion. Which means they governed the supernal, the supernatural and the natural realms. This period is known as the Angelic Dispensation.

               Lucifer ( or morning star ) was the ruler of the earth, while Gabriel co-ordinated the affairs of all the realms from his headquarters in Heaven. The whole of this period is what the Bible alludes to in one short sentence, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" [ Gen 1:1 ]. That Creation also included animals of various forms and sizes that are all now extinct.


               Isaiah 14:12-17 describes the fall of Lucifer. At one point while governing the earth, he turned into a tyrant [ 16-17 ], and as if that was not bad enough, he wanted to overthrow God [ 13-14 ]. Such was his conceit. At that stage he had corrupted the minds of many angels, among them deputies to the other six archangels. These six, however, were not part of his plot. God dethroned Lucifer and sentenced him and his cohort to Hell ( Tartarus ), although they were, and still are, allowed to operate outside of Hell for a period of time. That until God's purposes for mankind have been fully accomplished. The judgement of the fallen angels is in phases. The last phase will come at the end of time.

               The other archangels and their loyal deputies who had been given dominion in the other realms were recalled to Heaven. Thus God put an end to the Angelic Dispensation, which probably lasted for thousands of years in human term. By the end of his reign, Lucifer had thoroughly corrupted the natural realm - earth and the other planets in the solar system. There was so much wickedness that God had to wipe out life in all the planets with phenomenal floods. This is what we read about in Genesis 1:2. The realms of the 'aliens' were not affected by this great purge, so they continued to exist, as they do today.

                                                                       [ To be continued ]

Friday, 15 November 2013



          Lazarus did not end up at Abraham's side after death simply because he was poor. It was because, although a beggar, he was a righteous man. Likewise, the rich man was not sent to the place of torment because he was rich. He had sealed his own eternal fate with his wickedness while on earth. The part of Hell ( Hades in Greek ) where the rich man found himself is called Tartarus. This is where all the wicked people go after their death ( Ps 9:17 ). And never mind what Hollywood ( "Drive Angry" for example ) says about it, once the wicked get to Tartarus, they can never come out, not for any reason, not for any length of time.

          As for the part of Hell where Lazarus was sent to, that place is now empty. That is because, on the day Jesus ascended to Heaven, He liberated all the righteous souls - from Adam to that point in history - who inhabited the place. Until then they could not go to Heaven because Jesus had not carried out the Work of Redemption. Ephesians 4:8 reads in part, "When he ascended on high, he led captives in his train..." These captives were among 'those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death' ( Heb 2:15 ).

          So the only Hell there is now is Tartarus, the place of torment for the wicked. What we refer to as 'Hell Fire' or 'The Fiery Lake' in Christian teachings is a place that currently has no occupant. Revelation 20:13-14 says, "The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what he had done. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death".

          We may however consider another view of the concept of hell. If we take it to connote being away from God's presence, or being outside the peace and safety of God's mercy and grace, then the word hell assumes a semantic spectrum. Ephesians 6:12 talks about 'heavenly realms'. This is a reference to spheres of existence that are not natural or human. They are supernal and supernatural. For my purpose, I wish to consider supernal beings as spirits - good or bad - whose forms cannot be seen with the natural eyes. Although the word supernatural could be used generally to describe any being that is not natural, I would like to view supernatural beings as consisting of these two groups:

          [a]   restless spirits that seek gratification from taking on human form, thereby impersonating
                 the dead. These we commonly refer to as ghosts.

          [b]   beings ( not machines! ) in realms outside our solar system who exist in a physical form,
                 but whose form is superior to ours, so much so that they can appear and disappear at will.
                 They move at unimaginable speeds, and for them, gravity is of no consequence whatsoever.

                                                                    [ To be continued ]

Thursday, 14 November 2013



          Most of the people who believe in the existence of God mainly perceive Him as a God of judgement, and hardly as a God of love. In that perception, they consider Him to be indifferent to or unmoved by their plights in life, but always so quick to condemn and punish them for their wrongs.
          Well I've got news for you. God is not like that at all, and I'm truly sorry that many in the Body of Christ have helped to project such a sinister image of God. The notions described above are among the misconceptions we have about divine judgement. We live in an imperfect world; life is often not fair to us, our lofty plans fall through and we see many of our dreams come to nothing. Most of the time, the bad guys get away with their atrocities, while the good guys are made to suffer.
          God is not unmindful of all these. Indeed, the Kingdom of Heaven keeps record of everything that happens to everyone ( young or old, male or female ) on the face of the earth. For individuals who do wrong, God has various forms and times for their punishment, depending on the nature of the wrong done. On that we may be able to go into details in a future post, but the focus of this article is eternal judgement. That is, the judgement that comes after death.

          It goes without saying that we all associate the word 'hell' with untold suffering. In Christian teachings, Hell is the place where all 'sinners' go after death. By that we invariably mean all the people who refused to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour. Now what could possibly be wrong about that kind of teaching? Plenty. But I'll get to that shortly.
          The word 'hell' means 'Sheol' in Hebrew. Sheol could refer to grave, pit or the dwelling place of the dead. The parable of Jesus in Luke 16:19-31 about the rich man and Lazarus suggests that Sheol is a place for both the good and the wicked. However, the two groups are separated by 'a great chasm', which further suggests that they occupy two different territories in the same geographical area.

Monday, 4 November 2013

     PART 2

     6.     Britain will be without a government, the climax of a long period of political stalemate.

     7.     North Korea will enter into a trade agreement with South Korea. Fourteen years earlier, it will have
             established a fully-operational embassy in South Korea.

     8.     A Palestinian State will have been formed, a sovereign nation enjoying full recognition by the
             United Nations, and operating embassies in the Arab countries, Israel and many other nations
             around the world.

     9.     Mexico will have been completely free from the strangle-hold of drug cartels.

    10.    The space travel 'industry' will come under sharp criticisms: safe but outrageously expensive.

    11.    In 2063, the Rock of Gibraltar will split in half as a result of a supernatural occurrence.

    12.    Twenty seven years earlier, Islas Malvinas ( or the Falkland Islands ) will have become Argentine

    13.    Angelic activities on earth will have become a common phenomenon.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

     This blog is specifically for a Christian audience, but most of the following prophecies have global implications. The purpose of sharing them with you is not so that you will believe them. It is just to let you know. Your faith or lack of it will not play any part in their eventual fulfilment. In some of these prophecies, the year 2063 is only a time reference point, whereas in others, it is the actual year of fulfilment. This is part one of this blog.

1.     The Body of Christ ( the Universal Church ) will have emerged from its 40-year period of mourning, the    
        'day' of the Lord described by Prophet Joel [ Joel 1:13-15]. That period began sometime this year,
        2013, and will terminate in 2053. It will be a time when the Church will walk through the darkest valley.
        [Ps 23:14] The beginning of this period marked the beginning of judgement in the Family of God [I Pet
        4:17]. By 2063, God's special Army [Joel 2;1-2] will have begun its exploits on earth.
2.     Russia will have become a fully democratic country. What it embraces now as democracy is a travesty.
        The son of one of the current opposition leaders will dismantle the FSB (former KGB), and establish in
        its place a new internal security agency; one that will be accountable to the Russian people.
3.     China will be a nation at a crossroads. The Chinese people will not be satisfied with an open economy,
        they will vehemently demand for an open government as well. Civil unrests and political upheavals will
        reduce the country to the fourth largest economy in the world, behind India. Japan will have regained its
        second position. By that time, God will have risen in defence of the persecuted Chinese Christians, to
        deliver them from the hands of their tormentors.
4.     Vast new oil deposits will have been discovered in Nigeria, Mauritania, Costa Rica and the Gulf of
        Mexico.This development will be one of the factors that will make Nigeria, at the time, to become the
        largest and richest economy in Africa.
5.     One of Albert Einstein's theories will trigger a completely new scientific quest.